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Tag Archives: neck

Dr. Lee’s Case Study #25: Cervicalgia with Radiculitis

Patient: Female, age 65, retired

Complaints: X-ray showed bone spurs impinging on a nerve at cervical vertebrae C6 causing neck stiffness and radiating nerve pain down the left arm into the hand. The symptoms began 5 months ago after waking up with a stiff neck. Prescriptions, over-the-counter medications and therapy temporarily helped

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Dr. Lee’s Case Study #22: Headaches & Cervical Arthritis

Patient: Female, age 54

Complaints: Constant, uninterrupted headache since 12 years ago. Most of the pain is in the occiput (back of the skull) and forehead. Forehead pain is more debilitating. She always wakes up in the mornings with headaches of increased intensity. Recent physical therapy relieved the headache from 7-8/10 down to 4-5/10 but it had

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